BCWD briefs Saint Joseph Pastoral Council
Butuan City Water District’s (BCWD) management briefed the officers of Saint Joseph Pastoral Council last October 17, 2015 on the BCWD operation, plans and programs, watershed protection and rehabilitation, and the PPP Treated Bulk Water Project.
BCWD GM Anselmo Sang Tian presented the financing options for water supply facilities development project. Among the options, Public Private Partnership (PPP) through a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) is the best option as it would only take three to four years to complete a project. Other options may take six to seven years to realize a project. Not a single centavo will be spent in the PPP project undertaking; it would be just like a buy-and-sell deal. BCWD will just pay the water supplied by the partner-company.
Also discussed were the Strong El Nino which will last until June 2016 and its negative effects to water supply; hence, there is a need to conserve water.
The group proceeded to the PPP project site in Iyao.
Total Views: 3145 Today: 3Last Update: October 26, 2015