Adopt A Forest: Taguibo River Watershed Forest Reserve
Dear Donor,
In order to restore the Taguibo River Watershed Forest Reserve’s integrity and improve its quality and quantity of water, there is a need to implement continuous reforestation program. However, effective reforestation program requires considerable budget to include its maintenance activities up to 3 years.
It is on this note that Butuan City Water District (BCWD) designed an “Adopt a Forest Program” for those individuals, institutions and organizations that would like to conduct tree planting activity and/or just donate/provide funds for one or more hectares to be reforested in the Taguibo Watershed by virtue of BCWD Board of Directors Resolution No. 080-2013 dated June 17, 2013. In this report, we can see the initial fruits of our labor for our Taguibo River Watershed Forest Reserve. All of the accomplishments presented in this report are possible because we have donors like you who unwaveringly trusted us with your donations and believed in us that we could deliver the highest possible quality of service to rehabilitate our Taguibo River Watershed Forest Resrve. Our success is your success. You are all significant contributors in our goal to have a sustainable source of water supply for the people of Butuan City.
Thank You!
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Total Views: 3502 Today: 2Last Update: October 05, 2015