Barangay Pigdaulan soon to enjoy BCWD water

With the completion of the pipeline expansion project from Brgy. Lemon to Brgy. Pigdaulan, residents of Brgy. Pigdaulan will soon enjoy potable piped water supply from Butuan City Water District (BCWD).


BCWD’s over a million pipeline expansion project in the area was completed recently. The project consists of 3,252 linear meters of 4-inch diameter uPVC pipes, traversing the stretch from Brgy. Lemon to Brgy. Pigdaulan. Brgy. Pigdaulan is the 55th in the list of barangays being served by BCWD.


The project does not only benefit Pigdaulan residents but also the students from the 86 barangays of Butuan City who are studying at the Colegio de Liga ng mga Barangay. It is also expected to spur economic developments in the area, as having access to potable and safe water is a requisite for investments to come in to an area.


In related development, BCWD conducted its One-Stop Shop Service Connection and Installation Program for new water service connection applicants in Brgy. Pigdaulan on September 12, 2015. There were 155 residents participated in the event. Of the 155 participants, 71 applied for water service connection.


One-Stop Shop Service Connection and Installation Program features services for the immediate installation of new service connection, marketing promotional package which offers a minimum amount of Php500.00 as down payment and the balance including the cost of fittings and materials to be paid on termed payments for six months.


All in one setting, BCWD personnel conduct the required orientation seminar for new service connection applicants including processing of the necessary requirements and installation of approved applications.

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Last Update: September 28, 2015