BCWD briefs Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce on El Niño and PPP Project

In a briefing with Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce held in the morning of September 11, 2015 at Butuan City Water District (BCWD), Engr. Reden Mejorada, OIC of BCWD Production & Distribution Department, informed the participants that the Moderate El Nino has become Strong El Nino, based on DOST-PAGASA El Niño Advisory #7, which will last until June 2016. He said BCWD has formulated action plan to adapt with the effects of El Nino phenomenon, following the Memorandum of Local Water Utilities Administration to all water districts nationwide. Also discussed in the briefing were issues on watershed conservation and protection by BCWD Forester Arnell Basnillo and the advantages of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Treated Bulk Water Project by GM Anselmo Sang Tian. The group proceeded to the project site in Iyao, Anticala.

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Last Update: September 28, 2015