BCWD Calls Attention To All Contractors Excavating Along City Streets

Butuan City Water District (BCWD) is calling the attention of the contractors of the City’s infrastructure projects, such as excavation and concreting of canals alongside city streets, to instruct their personnel to be extra careful in conducting excavation activities so as not to accidentally cause damage to the pipelines.

This call is made after the personnel of a contractor working along Del Pilar Street accidentally hit and damaged BCWD pipeline this morning, July 8, 2015.

It can be recalled that in February this year a contractor accidentally caused damage to the 800mm diameter transmission line at the cut-off channel of the viaduct located at the east bank of the floodway along Mahay – Baan – Mahogany area, leaving the entire western part of the city waterless for days.

BCWD is reminding contractors that any damaged pipeline can disturb normal water pressure, thus, hampering water supply delivery to concessionaires’ faucets.

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Last Update: July 09, 2015