BCWD Water Safety and Security Presentation

Butuan City Water District cites their Water Safety and Security presentation that discusses water safety plans and mitigating measures from the effects of El Niño.

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11 Steps in the Establishment of a Water Safety Plan According to AO No. 2014-0027

Step 1 – The assembling of the WSP Team

Step 2 – Describing the Water Supply System

Step 3 – Hazard identification and risk analysis

Step 4 – Control measures

Step 5 – Operational monitoring

Step 6 – Improvement plans

Step 7 – Verification of the effectiveness of the WSP

Step 8 – The preparation of management procedures for actions to be taken during normal operation.

Step 9 – Developing supporting programs such as training and awareness, research and development, calibration, and customer complaint protocol.

Step 10 – Plan and carry out periodic review of WSP.

Step 11 – Revision of the WSP following an incident.

BCWD will definitely establish its own WSP as it recognizes its responsibility of ensuring the safety of the water supply and water sources; hence, ensuring the well-being of the people in Butuan.

BCWD relies mostly in the Taguibo River as the major source of its water supply. As such, BCWD is now preparing for any possible effect of the weak El Niño in its water supply. Among the preparations include:

1. The implementation of street-by-street leak detection and repair program,

2. Campaign to report any illegal water connection,

3. Conditioning of the five pumping stations which are the back-up sources of BCWD,

4. Guarantee that the six reservoirs are sufficiently re-charged,

5. Operation of the booster pump at Km.6 Libertad to cater to high elevated areas such as Bancasi, Pinamanculan and Dumalagan, and

6. Worst case scenario is the implementation of distribution management through valving and tanker rationing.



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Last Update: May 15, 2015