Upgrading of pipeline going to Employees Village completed

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In order to continuously provide safe drinking water supply to residents of Employees Village in Libertad, Butuan City, the Butuan City Water District (BCWD) included in its Capital Expenditure Allotment for 2014 the upgrading of old pipeline going to the area which was completed recently.

Completed within the allotted budget, the project consists of 1,548 linear meters of 100mm diameter uPVC pipes, traversing the stretch from J.C. Aquino Avenue, Libertad going to Employees Village. The pipeline will convey the water supply to Employees Village from the BCWD’s mainline located along J.C. Aquino Avenue in Libertad.

This project is one of several projects lined up for the improvement of BCWD’s water service to its nearly 40,000 active water connectors.

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Last Update: March 10, 2015