Butuan City Water District (BCWD) wishes to extend its heartfelt gratitude to the 86 punong barangay, headed by Liga President Hon. Nestor D. Amora, for the full support accorded to BCWD and its General Manager Anselmo L. Sang Tian during the water crisis experienced last January 2015 as manifested in the Liga ng mga Punong Barangay Resolution No. 26, Series of 2015, “A resolution declaring full support to General Manager Anselmo Sang Tian, Butuan City Water District Manager, in his ordeals of being subjected to adverse criticisms regarding the water crisis suffered by the people of Butuan City, and for other purposes.”
The resolution states that “Typhoon Seniang brought much damage to the water facilities of BCWD that includes the infiltration gallery where muds and boulders, as thick as five (5) meters, must be removed first before water can pass, through the IG manhole, as its primary source of water supply for the consuming public.
“This August Body, sensing that something went wrong, has to act in all honesty and truthfulness to send a message that what happened was but a pure act of God, a calamity that befalls upon the people of Butuan.
“It is, therefore, imperative that this August Body has to declare full support to General Manager Engineer Anselmo L. Sang Tian, on the belief that removing him is not the solution nor he could be blamed for such a tragedy.”
When almost everybody adversely criticized BCWD during that fateful situation of the water district, the Liga ng mga Punong Barangay understood the predicament of the water district. Because of the said resolution, BCWD was further inspired to do its best to be able to deliver normal water pressure to Butuan City as soon as possible.
Total Views: 6069 Today: 4Last Update: February 18, 2015