BCWD UPDATES: Phase 2 New Horizon Water Interruption

Phase 2 New Horizon residents experience water interruption

The Butuan City Water District (BCWD) was bombarded with complaints from concessionaires in Phase 2 New Horizon Subdivision as they experienced water interruption starting September 12, 2020 to September 14, 2020. Upon inspection and checking of valves in the area, the cause for the water interruption experienced by the residents was a closed supply valve for Phase 2 located near the New Horizon elevated tank.

Personnel from the subdivision’s developer conducted cleaning of the elevated tank which led to the closing of valves so that said maintenance activity can be conducted. However, the developer’s personnel conducting the maintenance was unable to reopen the valve after completion of the said activity causing water interruption to the residents of Phase 2 New Horizon Subdivision for three (3) days. Water supply resumed after the valve was opened.

For any concerns and queries relating to BCWD’s services, customers may contact BCWD’s Call Center through (085) 3423145 / 3423146 / 3416373 / 3416374; 09189304234 / 09171888726; BCWD website (www.bcwd.gov.ph) or official Facebook page Butuan City Water District.

Total Views: 1758   Today: 1
Last Update: September 17, 2020