BCWD UPDATE May 22, 2019

BCWD and BCSC ink an agreement to jointly undertake reforestation project in TRWFR

The Butuan City Water District (BCWD) and Butuan Club of Southern California (BCSC) inked recently an agreement to jointly undertake reforestation project in Taguibo River Watershed Forest Reserve (TRWFR).

BCSC, consisting of Butuanons living in Southern California, U.S.A., agreed to be a partner in the Adopt-A-Forest project of BCWD in saving TRWFR. Of the Php75,000.00 total cost per hectare of the 3-year project, Php30,000.00 will be provided by the club while the remaining Php45,000.00 will be shouldered by BCWD.

Adopt-A-Forest is a 3-year tree planting and “parenting” project which will serve as a model project for those individuals, institutions and organizations that would like to conduct tree planting activity and/or just donate or provide funds for one hectare or more hectares to be reforested in TRWFR.

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Last Update: May 22, 2019