Join BCWD Quarterly Water Quiz Show!



and open your chances of winning more and bigger prizes this year




Date                             :           October 12, 2017

Time                             :           9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Elementary Level)

                                                2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Junior High School Level)

Venue                           :           Training Hall, Butuan City Water District Roofdeck

Prizes                           :


P 2,000.00 plus medal


P 1,000.00


(5) P 500.00 EACH


P 200.00 each

Click Here to Download Confirmation Sheet


1. About BCWD

2. Properties of Water

3. Watershed

4. Computations

5. Drinking Water Supply

        * Quantity & Quality


General Rules:

  1. This contest is open to students of the two levels, enrolled for School Year 2017-2018 who shall be certified by their school as their official entry to the contest. There will only be one (1) entry/participant for each school per contest.

  2. Schools are given the prerogative of changing their participant in any quarter.
  3. The contest consists of two levels: Elementary and Junior High School.
  4. Slots are limited to only 30 participants for the elementary and 25 participants for the junior high school level. 1st come 1st serve.
  5. Deadline for submission of confirmation sheet will be on or before October 2, 2017.

                                          Submit entries to BCWD, Community Relations and External Affairs Office

  1. Immediate family members of BCWD Board of Directors and employees shall not be eligible for participation.
  2. Champions of the previous water quiz shows can no longer join in this quarter’s water quiz show.
  3. The game is played in a five-round format: Easy, Average, Difficult, Semi-Final and the Clincher.
  4. Points are scored by correct answers to questions. There is no point subtraction for wrong answers.
  5. A timekeeper will keep track of the time limit and two scorers will take note as to who among the contestants gave the correct and wrong answers.
  6. One BCWD Representative, one representative from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the winning coaches from the previous quarter will comprise the three-member Board of Evaluators.
  7. The Board of Evaluators, not the Moderator, will make the final judgment.
  8. If the student gives multiple answers that are equally correct, for as long as the answer sought is in the set of answers given, the answer will be counted.
  9. Decisions of the Board of Evaluators shall be final. The official declaration of the outcome of the match shall be irrevocable.
  10. All contestants, coaches and participating schools will receive Certificates of Commendation.
  11. Contestants should bring their own calculators for mathematical items.


Rules and Regulations: For Easy, Average and Difficult Rounds

  1. The electronic response system is not used during these rounds. Questions are worth the following points:

Easy                 =          3 points each

Average            =          5 points each

Difficult             =          10 points each

  1. Each category will consist of ten questions except for the Difficult Round, be of five questions. Questions will range from multiple choice and true or false (Easy Round), a combination of multiple choice and identification (Average Round), and identification (Difficult Round).
  2. Contenders will write their answers on the answer card provided.
  3. The moderator will read the question twice.
  4. Contestants are given ten seconds to write their answers except for mathematical items in which contestants are given thirty (30) seconds to provide their answers. Timer starts after the moderator has finished reading the question twice.
  5. Upon hearing the bell ring, contestants must raise their answer card for the Board of Evaluators and the scorers to see. Contestants are not allowed to lower their answer cards until they are told to do so.
  6. For multiple-choice questions, contestants must write the letter of choice as well as the answer that goes along with it. For true or false questions, contestants must write the word TRUE if they think that the statement is true and write the word FALSE if they think that the statement is false.
  7. Wrong spelling wrong.
  8. The top 7 contestants garnering the highest point will proceed to the semi-final round. If more than 7 contestants garnered the top 7 spot, said contestants must go to a sudden-death play-off to determine the final seven. Whoever answers incorrectly will automatically be eliminated. 

Rules and Regulations: Semi-Final Round

  1. The electronic response system is not used during these rounds. Questions are worth one point each. 
  2. Ten questions will be asked in this round. Questions will range from multiple choice and identification.
  3. Contenders will write their answers on the answer card provided.
  4. The moderator will read the question twice.
  5. Contestants are given ten seconds to write their answers except for mathematical items in which contestants are given thirty (30) seconds to provide their answers. Timer starts after the moderator has finished reading the question twice.
  6. Upon hearing the bell ring, contestants must raise their answer card for the Board of Evaluators and the scorers to see. Contestants are not allowed to lower their answer cards until they are told to do so.
  7. For multiple-choice questions, contestants must write the letter of choice as well as the answer that goes along with it.
  8. Wrong spelling wrong.

The top 2 contestants to gather the highest number of points will proceed to the clincher round. If more than two contestants garnered the highest point, the said contestants must go to a sudden-death play-off to determine the final two contestants. Whoever answers incorrectly will automatically be eliminated. If only one got the correct answer, he/she automatically enters the Clincher Round and wait for his/her opponent. The remaining contestants will continue with the sudden-death play-off till only one contestant remains to complete the final two.


Rules and Regulations: Clincher Round

  1. The buzzer is used during this round. The top two contestants who garnered the highest number of points after the semi-final round will proceed to the Clincher Round.
  2. For this round, five categories will be provided for the two finalists to choose from. Questions will be based from the category chosen. A total of five questions will come from each category. However, a finalist is only allowed to obtain three questions (either consecutive or not) from a particular category. All scores will be back to zero. Each question answered in this round is equal to one point. There will be no point deduction for wrong answers.
  3. The moderator will select which category the 1st question will be taken. Whoever presses the buzzer first will have the chance to answer the question given.
  4. For the succeeding questions, whoever gives the correct answer will have the opportunity to choose the next category.
  5. A contestant may interrupt a question while it is being asked if he/she believes that he/she can anticipate the answer required by the completed question. If the student interrupts the moderator to give an answer, the student should immediately give the answer.
  6. If the recognized contestant gives an incorrect answer or no answer, his/her opponent may respond and give the answer after he/she is recognized.
  7. If the question was not completed and the first to buzz-in answers incorrectly, the question will be completed and the opposing contestant will be given an opportunity to answer within ten seconds after the question is read.
  8. On all questions, once a player has signaled and has been recognized, he/she has ten seconds to provide an answer except for mathematical items in which contestants are given thirty (30) seconds to provide their answers.
  9. If a tie exists at the end of the match, then a Sudden-death Play-off will determine the winner. The first contestant to answer a question correctly is declared the champion.


For more details, see or call:

RAMIL S. BARQUIN, Senior Public Relations Officer

Tel. Nos.: 342-3145 (Bayantel)

                 815-9904 (Philcom)

Total Views: 4548   Today: 1
Last Update: September 26, 2017